' Nice Farming Blogs to Check Out – Cbfarmersmarket.co.nz

Your dreams to start farming for either your household consumption or doing it commercially do not have to be done blindly. You should do research, read articles and books, and watch videos to get all the information you need. Here are a few blogs to visit, and they will give all the insights needed.

Fresh Eggs Daily

This blog is a must-read for beginners interested in rearing chicken and ducks. It is full of information about chicken’s health, nutrition, wellbeing, and behaviour.

Farmer Jake

Jakes’s blog educates on everything going on in the farming industries. His inspiring and impressive posts cover everything from agroforestry to pesticides and planning, among other farming topics.

Farmer’s Wife and Mommy

Just because you have responsibilities of taking care for young ones doesn’t mean you have to put your farming dreams on hold. Emma’s blogs will outline all the details about juggling farming and parenting and how she handles them all.

Girl Meets Bee

Girl Meets Bee gives all the information required to start a beekeeping venture and reap big in this kind of farming. Even if farming is not in your blood, her writing is fascinating and very inspirational.